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With a strong buzz and demand for this release, it is time Grammy Award-nominated artist Post Malone to answer the fans calls as he releases his highly anticipated fifth full-length album 'AUSTIN'. It's been a long time coming, and as he looks to continue to make waves across the globe, Post Malone steps up on this new body of work.

Post Malone - Austin

The album, which is self-titled after Post’s legal name, arrives as yet another shift in sound for the US talent. Packed with live instrumentation which is produced and orchestrated by Post and his longtime collaborators Louis Bell and Andrew Watt, the body of work comes in at the finest standard.

Weighing in at 17 tracks, 'AUSTIN' see's Post Malone continue to navigate through his own lane, as he explores every avenue of his artistry which appears to be welcomed and well received by his fans across the globe.

Be sure to take a listen to the album below, and let us know if you're feeling it.


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